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villas stoupa
Neochori, Stoupa, Mani | Messinia
+30 6944 999899

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Directions from Athens to Patio Villas, Neochori, Stoupa.
Stoupa is 280 kilometers from Athens, about 3.5 hours. Take the National Highway in the direction of Kalamata and follow the road signs to Mani.

When you reach Stoupa follow the road to Neohori on your left.

In 5 minutes you will have reached your destination. The beautiful drive and your stay at Patio Villas are worth your trip and will repay you.
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We dont use or share your date with others. We only use your data to contact you about your request or future offers.

what our guest say!

Greek Tourism Organization R.N. : 012345678910
Patio Villas Project was Constructed by
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